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Guitare LiveDéfisSouth of Hell - sortez tronçonneuses !Commentaires pour la participation de -ayman-

La participation de -ayman-

Here is a link for a complete download.

Arjen Lucassen tribute for those who usually listen to Ayreon and Stream of Passion ;)

The end is fully improvised on an acoustic guitar

Les commentaires


  • 7 Juillet 2008 à 20:15

Good rewriting of this track. Atmosphere and feeling are quite good just as your licks.
I've enjoyed it.
Nice work dude.

papy Squale

  • 6 Juillet 2008 à 14:23
Super presta...very well mister Teon Lyone , you are te best , very good sound whith your 7 cords , very good playing guitar of Los angeles ....



  • 6 Juillet 2008 à 02:30



  • 3 Juillet 2008 à 18:56

Beau boulot, j'aime beaucoup ! grande personnalité ! excellent ++++


  • 2 Juillet 2008 à 21:54

that was awesome man! Everything, the intro, the two guitars. You did a great job by cutting the track, bringing it to another style, very original. I can only repeat myself, excellent, awesome, f***in' love it!
If you don't know "polar bitch" you should try to listen to their album "trash bazaar", it's a french techno-pop-metal project, i think you'd like it.



  • 2 Juillet 2008 à 20:19

ouff! so excellent man ! all is great but the part to 1:25 i love that sound guitar + analog synth . my favorite one certainly.

Dr J

  • 2 Juillet 2008 à 07:53

Gosh !! this a real composition, I know you knew this you dressed this BT up as if it was a naked body. One must not ignore anymore that metal is your world. Greatissim


  • 30 Juin 2008 à 18:57
Super intro, bien sombre comme j'aime avec les harmo. et tout tout!!!
Du super boulot!
Bien marrante la fin...
Excellente presta. bien sûr!


  • 30 Juin 2008 à 11:21

Huge performance !
Great ideas that sounds terrific.
The track could be on any good prog-metal album.

Bix LeRouge LRN

  • 28 Juin 2008 à 17:18

Very good!

  • Titre : South of Hell - sortez tronçonneuses !
  • Type : Guitare
  • Style : Hard, metal
  • Début : 18/06/2008
  • Fin : 09/07/2008
  • De : -ayman-
  • Date : 18/06/2008
  • Vote : 17
  • Commentaires : 10
  • Téléchargement : 542