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Guitare LiveDéfisLe défi de Magnus Olsson - Fusion suédoisCommentaires pour la participation de Nickepiff

La participation de Nickepiff

Bonjour à tous

je vais faire mon comment anglais si ça vous dérange pas trop...

Here is my version of this very difficult Bt, thank you Magnus its sounds good and very interesting to work. I used a sound which didn\'t allow to get it wrong but i\'d rather use it. so there are many kouaks but i made my best i \'m nit use to play this sort of music

a ecouter avec un equaliser de type rock....

See you soon

Dur dur comme bt ;-)

Spécial thanks à ayman qui m\'a franchement aidé merci à lui meme si comme il dit ya des trucs pas top mais on est pas des pros (enfin moi surotut pas!

Les commentaires

Magnus Olsson

  • 13 Juin 2005 à 22:58

Hi, Nickepiff!

Good playing, it sounds like you had played it thru more then one time and already had an idea of what to play. That is great because it makes everything sound tied together.
I think you had some great ideas in your playing, you made it sound like a part of a song.
The silly happy melody in the start was cool, very far from what I expected any one to play over this, cool. All the double stops in you’re playing is cool and the blues lick at 00:52 is very unexpected over this, at least to my ears, but it works.

It does sound a little sloppy at some places, but your sound is probably very hard to play clean with. I have two suggestions on how to make the take even better, first is to make sure that the vibrato is more in the pocket (that’s the hard one). The second thing is to not be afraid of letting you playing bread a little more; I don’t think there is a single time when the guitar doesn’t sound. Some air between the phrases will make them shine a lot more and gives the listener room to melt what you’re playing.

But, I really liked that it sounded like you had a plan of what to play, all the way thru.

Très bon !



  • 13 Juin 2005 à 19:34

De rien nickepiff...c'est tes oreilles qui ont tout fait!!!voyons...

Bon ben comme je t'ai dis le début est olé olé..mais j'aime le reste et particulièrement la fin.

  • Titre : Le défi de Magnus Olsson - Fusion suédois
  • Type : Guitare
  • Style : Fusion
  • Début : 12/06/2005
  • Fin : 12/07/2005
  • De : Nickepiff
  • Date : 13/06/2005
  • Vote : 18
  • Commentaires : 2
  • Téléchargement : 360