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Guitare LiveDéfisLe défi de Magnus Olsson - Fusion suédoisCommentaires pour la participation de papy Squale

La participation de papy Squale

Voilà, merci pour ce Bt de Qualité, et je vous signale que j'ai écouté les conseils au niveau du son, et j'ai tenté du fusion ...bonne écouté

Squalllleeeeeeee 2222


If you want another version, you go in my portrait ..

Les commentaires


  • 13 Juin 2005 à 09:40

la fusion te va bien, tres bien meme...

par contre tes cocottes ne me semblent pas giga en place...

Magnus Olsson

  • 13 Juin 2005 à 02:05


I think your playing sounds good, especially the little more rhythmic playing on the second half of the first part (from 00:19 and on).
It sounds a little grope (tâtonnement, is that the French word?) when you start playing the track, but then it picks up at around 00:19. The intonation is not perfect there (and at some places during the solo). It sounds like your not completely sure on what you are going to do.
But I think that you are playing good over this and you have some really nice ideas in your playing every now and then.

What I would do is to listen more to the track that you are going to record over, so you have more ideas in your head, already before you start to play. That really helps to get a consistency in the playing and makes it all sound more like a unit that belongs together, instead of just licks. It will still be licks, but it helps too tie them together better, if you understand what I mean?

Do one more take and try to concentrate on your intonation and to try to tie the good ideas that you have, together better. I’m looking forward too hear one more from you, hope that you are allowed to do that?

Still very good playing.


  • Titre : Le défi de Magnus Olsson - Fusion suédois
  • Type : Guitare
  • Style : Fusion
  • Début : 12/06/2005
  • Fin : 12/07/2005
  • De : papy Squale
  • Date : 13/06/2005
  • Vote : 20
  • Commentaires : 2
  • Téléchargement : 391