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Guitare LiveDéfisShuffle-du-Kébec - Rock-Shuffle en MiCommentaires pour la participation de -ayman-

La participation de -ayman-

I use à Peavey JSX in which i plug an Ibanez JEM
Cubase studio 4 for recording

here is some fun guys :D

Dad, when I grow up I want to be a guitar player.
Look son, you can't do both.
( This one came all the way from the Netherlands ! )

Q. How many blues guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Don't worry about the change, they’ll improvise!

Q: How do you get two guitar players to play in perfect unison?
A: Shoot One.

Q: What's the difference between a Lead Guitarist and the PLO?
A: You can negotiate with the PLO.

Q: Why do only 10% of guitar players make it to heaven?
A: Because if they all went, it would be Hell.

Now here is a lesson to get the blues attitude(instead of the tabs):

If the guitar player has one small amplifier, Blues Band.

If he has a stack of them, Rock Band.

If the keyboard player only plays piano or organ, Blues Band.

If he's uses other sounds, Rock Band.

If the guitar player breaks a string and changes it on the spot, Blues Band. If a roadie comes out with a replacement guitar, Rock Band.

If the bass player's instrument has only four strings, or is a stand up, Blues Band. More than four, Rock Band.

If there are wives and children around the stage, Blues Band.

Scantly clad women, Rock Band.

If they play the same songs differently every night, Blues Band.

Play the same songs the same way every night, Rock band.

If they make up the lyrics as they go, Blues Band.

Read lyrics from a tele-prompter, Rock band.

If they arrive in a van, Blues Band.

If they arrive in a school bus, Rock band.

If everyone is drinking liquor, Blues Band.

Drinking beer, Rock Band.

If people dance together, Blues band.

Mill about separately, Rock Band.

If people clap their hands to the backbeat, Blues Band.

Pump their fists in the air, Rock Band.

Les commentaires


  • 15 Avril 2007 à 20:34

Simple, efficace, mélodique, avec de belle harmoniques au pouce, bravo, c'est bien envoyé!


  • 14 Avril 2007 à 17:37

so, blues band or rock band???
Very good job man, awesome feeling, good sound!!!


  • 14 Avril 2007 à 14:55

Holla ça joue içi ! super son guitare et quel jeu !
thanks !
(si tu peux nous dire comment tu as fait pour le son?)


  • 14 Avril 2007 à 09:31
Jack Butler?

great playing here also, you built a real song, not only a guitar solo

cool job man!


  • 14 Avril 2007 à 00:06
well man, that's very good, you did well finding the gimmick (theme), you really know your blues, all the licks are there, congrats, the mark is a very good one.


  • 13 Avril 2007 à 22:19

simple et hyper efficace
tout simplement excellent


  • 13 Avril 2007 à 21:20

On ne le dira jamais assez ...
C'est beaaaaaaaaauu .


  • 13 Avril 2007 à 20:06

Yeah man!!! Great job!!!


  • 13 Avril 2007 à 12:41
Roh putains les gas .
J'en ai marre de foutre des 18 et des 19 :'(.
C'est vraiment excellent. Y a des passages divins .


  • 13 Avril 2007 à 10:41
Parfait !
  • Titre : Shuffle-du-Kébec - Rock-Shuffle en Mi
  • Type : Découverte
  • Style : Rock
  • Début : 13/04/2007
  • Fin : 20/05/2007
  • De : -ayman-
  • Date : 13/04/2007
  • Vote : 31
  • Commentaires : 10
  • Téléchargement : 648